Reading is Fundamental
Reading is the most important skill necessary for all future knowledge and opportunity. Yet, far too many children in California are not reading on grade level by the end of third grade, and the numbers are even more staggering for children from low-income communities. The problem is not that our children can’t learn to read, but that many are not being provided with effective reading instruction and materials aligned with decades of interdisciplinary reading research, sometimes referred to as the "science of reading."
To combat this, Assemblywoman Blanca Rubio (D-Baldwin Park) is partnering closely with the California Early Literacy Coalition to ensure an evidence-based approach to teaching California's elementary school students how to read through new early literacy bill AB 1121.
Current State of Reading Achievement in CA
Nearly 178,000 3rd-grade students (70%) from low-income communities are not meeting state standards for English language arts (ELA), and the vast majority of those falling behind are disproportionately low-income Black and Latino children, English learners, and students with disabilities. This is not a matter of ability, but a matter of how we are currently teaching our children to read.
By 3rd grade, students move from learning to read to reading to learn, and those who are not on grade level at this point rarely catch up in their academic journey.

Take Action
If you believe that California has a moral obligation to provide all of our children with the opportunity to reach their full potential, please consider the following actions to support teaching kids to read effectively.